The Planetologists Game Development #07

Hello everyone!

We are James and Guillermo, the developers behind "The Planetologist.".
We are excited to announce the release of the DEMO (Windows and web versions) of the game, available on and Newgrounds.

We have been working on this project for the past year and will continue to do so until we release the full version on Steam next year. We invite you to join us in and be a part of this journey during the upcoming months of development.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us so far. Your feedback and enthusiasm mean the world to us. Special thanks to the GameMaker community for their invaluable resources and inspiration.

Feel free to check out the demo and share your thoughts with us. Your feedback is crucial as we continue to refine and improve the game.



Feel free to check out the demo and share your thoughts with us. Your feedback is crucial as we continue to refine and improve the game.


The Planetologist - Windows Demo 64 MB
46 days ago

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